Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On forgiveness "A Film Review To "Inception""

In a film that revolves around our dreams and about those supposed people who can penetrate our minds and unfold our secrets that are hidden in the unconscious,i.e. Inception, I find it full of some great philosophical ideas. Mr.Cob has a problem with his wife when he starts to extract or implant ideas in people's minds, namely she comes up to ruin everything. The young dreamer, Ariande, urges Mr.Cob to confront the memory of his wife. She tells him that they cannot save themselves without this confrontation. She teaches him that he has to forgive himself in order to save his team in their mission and to aid his children whom he wants to live with them. Eventually, he attests his responsibility for his wife's death, by implanting a dangerous idea in her mind that death is better than life pushing her to question the shades between reality and dreams. Mr. Cob does not confine himself to these feelings of guilt but he leaves her wife in his unconscious to save his children and be with them.
Confronting our past and forgiving our precious selves are two essential things for a human to advance in his life. I'm talking here about those humans who suffer from the conscious and unconscious turbulence as a result of what they believe to be their past mistakes or sins. The message I see in the film is the same Coehlo's The Valkryies deliver to its readers. The protagonist wants to be in contact with his guardian angel. On meeting the Valkryies, a group of strong women who live in the desert, he starts to figure out the problem that disturbs his life and denies him the chance to communicate with other higher beings, namely his inability to forgive himself for something he has committed in the past which is using songs to spread some magical mantras and totems.
A self-actualizer must forgive himself for anything he has made in the past because actually we have only one life to live and we need to fulfill our potentials and be what do we want to be.

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