Monday, September 21, 2009

Final Destination 2009: Film Review

Actually I'm totally Shocked and surprised at this bloody film. In a film that revolves around death and nothing except death, there is nothing else to be expected. The hero of the film foretells many crises throughout the whole film. He envisions the death of himself and his friends in the crisis of the car race, so he intervenes and save himself , his friends and many others to live in danger and anxiety because he predicts the deaths of the survivors and waits for his own. This game is repeated many times in the film in which he imagines that he can stop destiny from taking place in reality, until he reaches the conclusion that his survival and his friends' survival -including his girlfriend- is meant from the beginning. Thus, no one can play with death. He comes to this resolution on his death with his friends in the cafe they frequent all through, "Death by Caffeine".

Therefore, it is death and death and death despite any body's will and in spite of any taken precaution. Unfortunately, it seems to me a black and commercial film. The authors, Eric Bress and Jeff Reddick, just entertain us with their creativity in conceiving many death accidents, that are unbelievable . The Death scenes also reveal that the authors are totally sadistic . They envision these scenes in detail as if they are enjoying them. I do not like to attack people but in this case. I think there is something wrong with them that I'll leave to psychologists to analyze. The audience including me sit paralyzed in front of the resolution of the film. Many couldn't leave their seats which raised the question in my mind what is the purpose of this film? Except ruining people's moods, horrifying them with these scenes and gaining only money I do not think it purports anything. It amply demonstrates the inhumanity of the commercial film companies that care for nothing except money. Finally, it is important to make sure that children do not see such a film for it may stir some psychological complexities or provoke them to live in fear of death