Friday, January 20, 2012

بدون عنوان

أين انت يا أبي؟

استيقظت فجأة في نتصف ليلة شتوية باردة،  حاولت أن أتذكر مكان النافذة التي تمطرني بهذا الهواء البارد و لكني عجزت و شعرت بعدم يقيني بأني مستيقظ!
عفوا و لكني أحرك يداي سأنادي أبي لعله يجيب و قبل أن يرتفع صوتي، رأيت يخرج من الحمام متوضئا و اذا به يمر بالغرفة و كأنه لا يراني!
شعرت بالحيرة و من حيرتي خلدت إلي النوم مرة أخري!

عدت من العمل في مساء يوم آخر و اذا بسؤال يرتطم بذاتي فيرجها رجا.."أين أبي؟" أراه كل يوم عند الفجر ذاهبا للصلاة بالمسجد و لا يحدثني! أحزين مني أم ماذا؟ حاولت أن أرفع عقيرتي و أناديه و اذ بر آراه أمامي بوجهه البشوش. اجتاحني الارتياح و تيقنت أنه يحاول التركيز تلك الأيام علي قراءة واحدة من ذخائر كتبه فذهبت للنوم.
بعد أسبوع بينما أنا عائد إلي البيت مترجلا و أحدث مديري داهمني شعورا غريبا و سئلت نفسي مرة أخري:
"أين أبي؟" لم آراه منذ أيام و لا يرد علي عندما أطرق باب حجرته المغلق دائما.
أسافرت يا أبري و تركتني؟ أحتاج اليوم إلي كلماتك المطمئنة و ثقتك اللامحدودة فيّ رغم العقود التي تفصل بيننا فاليوم سأرتقي درجة في سلمي الوظيفي.
داهمني القلق و احتواني فلم أر الكون من حولي حتي عدت إلي سريري. اليوم الثامن من يناير أظنه من تلك الأيام الحزينة في حياتي لا أعلم لمَ؟ انتزعني هذا الحزن المتدفق من النوم و شعرت برغبة عارمة في أن أفرغ محتويات درج كتبي ففتحتها و أنا نصف نائم و اذا بالساعات و الأيام و الشهور تتوقف عندما رأيت شهادة السجل المدني المميكنة ذات اللون الأرجواني!
صرخت و صرخت و لا أعلم هل تجاوزت صراخاتي ذاتي أم ارتدت من الفضاء إلي عقلي...
أنهكتني مشاعري و ضاعت مني الكلمات و رأيته يقول لي:
"أمات أبوك ؟

ضلال .. انا لا يموت أبى

ففى البيت منه ..

روائح رب وذكرى نبى"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

عن التحرش الجنسي في مصر

تعتبر النزعة الجنسية واحدة من النزعات الأولية عند الانسان تتدخل ثقافة كل مجتمع لتنظيمها عند كل فرد. في مصر يأخذ التعبير عن هذه النزعة أشكال عنيفة مثل التحرش الجنسي و الاغتصاب. إلي هنا تبدو المشكلة عالمية لأن هناك دائما في كل مجتمع من يتمرد علي القيود المجتمعية و ينتهك حرية آخر (كيان غير كيان الفرد). المشكلة في مصر أن الموضوع متفشي مما يعني أن المجتمع شريك في تلك الجرائم تجاه المراه.
للأسف  مع تصاعد الفكر السلفي الاقصائي المحقر للمرأة، أصبحت المرأة كائن لا يصلح إل لغواية الرجل. إذا ما التزمت أو حتي التزمت فهناك اجراءات قمعية يمارسها المجتمع ضدها مثل اعتبارها "غير محترمة" اذا كانت تسير دون حجاب كما أشار د.جلال أمين في كتابه "ماذا حدث للمصريين؟". بالاضافة إلي ذلك هي كائن لابد من تحقيرها لإتاحة المجال للرجال و في مجتمع تبدو فيه المرأه أكثر تفوقا علميا من الرجل كما أشار وحيد عبد المجيد في أحد كتبه لابد من استعادة التوازن و تحقير المرأه.
عندما يرتكب المتحرش جريمته يلجأ لهذا الخطاب المجتمعي القاهر للمرأه و يعتبر ما يفعله طبيعي فالمرأه كائن لا يجوز عند البعض خروجه من البيت أصلا. كيف تجرؤ و تضحك أو تحب و كيف تقف مع حبيبها في أي مكان لا بد من عقابها، هكذا يفكر المتحرش. و علاج هذا المشكل لا بد أن يكون ثقافي و قانوني فنحن نحتاج للقانون لنحمي العقلاء من حمق الدهماء!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obama's administration Cultural Insensitivity

    Native Americans are actually indignant at using the name of a resistance hero, i.e. Geronimo in the hunt operation of Ben Laden. Sadly enough, some Native Americans, this has become the usual. It is ironical that they are marginalized on their own land. More ironically, the African American who belongs to a race has been persecuted for centuries is not sensitive enough to the history of those people. He is not cultured or anything. African Americans have won many rights but other ethnicities in the American society have not.
    Apparently, there are no affinity between the ethnicities in the American society. However, at a deeper level there are just between  the artists and the intellectuals. For example, the Arab American poetess Suhier Hamad refers to herself as both an Arab and a Black woman. Obama has proven to be neither a good orator or an intellectual or anything. He is just a commoner who has used the plight of his race to propagate for himself. This is a typical scene in the American political scene.

Friday, April 15, 2011

بين المرايا

بعيدا في الأعماق، شعرت بالندم لأني ولدت..شعرت بالفزع لأني ما زلت حيا...
وقفت علي المرايا المتشعبة الموجودة في الأعماق و رأيت فيها ذوات كثيرة كلها منهكة و محطمة مفككة الأوصال كحصن أٌغُير عليه فأصبح ركام...
و إذ بالفكرة  تتفجر من العدم  و تطفو في وعيَ..سأحطم تلك المرايا...قبضت علي حجر ظهر فجأة و قذفته و...
انتظرت برهه ثم زمنا و لكنه لم يصل..
جلست و لا أعلم علي أي شيء جلست..أشعر أني جلست علي شيء هلامي...شيء لا أراءه
و هل أري في ظلام الأعماق إن كنت لا أري في ضياء السطح؟
و قفز إليَ السؤال..لم الحياة فوق السطح إذا كانت الأعماق مظلمة بهذا الشكل، تخفي الأشياء و تبرز الوعي؟
و يا ليتني ما وعيت حينها أن الحياة لا تتسع إلا لمقدار كلمة واحدة..
سُبة..تشكلها أنت و أنتِ و لا يهم ماهيتها فهي لا تنقشع عن السطح و لا تقفز إلي الأعماق
مر دهر و أنا جالس عاجز..
عاجز عن أداء أي شيء تروادني أمنية أن ألقي ظهري علي أي شيء في هذا الفراغ...
و ارتمي ظهري..
 و فتحت عيني فبلعتني دوامة الأشياء فتلاحقت أنفاسي و....
سكنت نفس عن الحياة فارتاحت و أراحت..
و أزاحت السطح في حضن الأعماق

Monday, September 6, 2010

An Individual Defence of Islamic Architecture

The story of Islamic architecture cannot be summarized in a small post on it. It is a long story of being influenced, being creative and accordingly being influential.
In the age of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the sagacious caliphs, mosques and other Islamic buildings were so modest and not decorated. It reflects the simplicity and toughness of the first Arab Muslims' life in the desert. With the expansion of the Islamic Empire in the Umayyad Caliphate, Muslims were introduced to new architectural designs that belong to the Byzantines, Sasanians as an example. Muslims architects and designers evolved with a true Islamic art that continued to be developed in other periods and other parts of the world as in AL-Andalus.
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is really one of the wonders of Islamic architecture. It is lavishly decorated and creatively founded reflecting the wealth and the highly-developed state of Islamic art at the time. The founders of this mosque and other Islamic mosques did not imagine that some Muslims in the twentieth-first century would detest these mosques because it may distract people from concentrating while praying to God. Others believe that the founding of these mosques is an epitome of extravagance. It is apparently the result of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and our excessive veneration to the past. They think that anything that happened in the past, especially in the time of the Prophet, is the prototype of everything that has to happen in our ages disregarding the importance of the historical context that stimulates us to differentiate between each era in Islamic history. It is a real disappointing actuality that we turn against our art and civilization while there are other Westerners who celebrate this heritage.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Critique to Spenser Sonnet No.75

""Not so", quoth i; let baser things devise

To die in dust, but you shall live by fame;

My verse your virtues rare shall eternise,

And in the heavens write your glorious name,"

This excerpt is extracted from sonnet 75 by Edmund Spenser. This is a typical Elizabethan sonnet that deals with the emotional affliction of the poet and his pride in his verse. It belongs to a cycle, a collection of poems that are narrative and that have the same subject or linked together, that is called Amoretti. Spenser is one of the most experimental poets in the sixteenth century England, whose reputation is mainly based on his romantic epic, Faerie Queene. His experimental-ism and innovation are exhibited here in dealing with the theme of the eternizing power of verse through the use of imagery, rhyme scheme, and diction.

First, the poet skillfully utilizes imagery to stress the validity of the persona's scheme to immortalise his beloved through his verse, i.e."my verse your virtues rare shall eternise", and "in the heavens write your glorious name". In fact, the persona wants to evolve her beloved spiritually and immortalize her through the power of his verse and it's immortality. In the same metaphor, he underscores the rarity of her virtues which indicates that she is realistic or down-to-earth. Then the first metaphor is extended to the following line and the poet claims the power of his verse to transfigure his beloved to a heavenly being by writing her name.

Furthermore, the poet subtly uses juxtaposition and the personal pronouns to shed light on the power of his verse, and also the strength of his argument. He juxtaposes mortality with immortality, hedonism with spirituality. First, he refutes his beloved skeptical logic in the immortality by first asserting the mortality of the " baser things", then distinguishing her from these things that are object to" die in dust", and finally resolving to the power of his poetry in eternizing her, " let baser things devise/ To die in dust, but shall live by fame;/ My verse your virtues rare shall eternise". Thus, what the poet seeks is to immortalize the spiritual beauty not the physical and establish authority to his verse. The use of the personal pronouns also contributes to the same pride the poet wants to display in his verse, i.e."quoth I", "My verse".

Creatively and innovating, Edmund Spenser deftly manipulates a special rhyme scheme that demonstrate his mastery of English poetry. It follows this pattern , Abba, bcbc, cdcd, ee. The compliance of the rhyme scheme to the logical development of the poem, the first attempt of the poet upon "the strand", the beloved doubts and realizations, then the statement of his viewpoint clearlt in this passage. In fact, it gives a sense of continuity to the main line of action in the poem through this interlocking between the different stanzas.Moreover, he makes use of the inversion for the sake of the rhyme scheme, namely the verb " eternise" is positioned at the end of the line, " My Verse your virtue shall eternise".

In conclusion, Spenser resolves the common Renaissance paradox that baffled many intellectuals and poets in this passage, namely, the mortality of our beings. Spenser figures out the clue in his determination to immortalize the spiritual beauty of his beloved through his verse, which means that " virtues" and man's work can render humans immortality. In short, Spenser reflects his age in every aspect of his sonnet. According to Colin Burrow, Spenser's " interest in the power and immortality of verse" are the most " distinctive Renaissance aspects, since, it is often thought the key element in Renaissance attitudes is a sense of power and dignity of the poet."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On forgiveness "A Film Review To "Inception""

In a film that revolves around our dreams and about those supposed people who can penetrate our minds and unfold our secrets that are hidden in the unconscious,i.e. Inception, I find it full of some great philosophical ideas. Mr.Cob has a problem with his wife when he starts to extract or implant ideas in people's minds, namely she comes up to ruin everything. The young dreamer, Ariande, urges Mr.Cob to confront the memory of his wife. She tells him that they cannot save themselves without this confrontation. She teaches him that he has to forgive himself in order to save his team in their mission and to aid his children whom he wants to live with them. Eventually, he attests his responsibility for his wife's death, by implanting a dangerous idea in her mind that death is better than life pushing her to question the shades between reality and dreams. Mr. Cob does not confine himself to these feelings of guilt but he leaves her wife in his unconscious to save his children and be with them.
Confronting our past and forgiving our precious selves are two essential things for a human to advance in his life. I'm talking here about those humans who suffer from the conscious and unconscious turbulence as a result of what they believe to be their past mistakes or sins. The message I see in the film is the same Coehlo's The Valkryies deliver to its readers. The protagonist wants to be in contact with his guardian angel. On meeting the Valkryies, a group of strong women who live in the desert, he starts to figure out the problem that disturbs his life and denies him the chance to communicate with other higher beings, namely his inability to forgive himself for something he has committed in the past which is using songs to spread some magical mantras and totems.
A self-actualizer must forgive himself for anything he has made in the past because actually we have only one life to live and we need to fulfill our potentials and be what do we want to be.